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(reservado por Adepta Stella)

Arbhax screamed as he slew, howling Khorne’s name with each crunch of his axe through sigmarite armour.The Blood Warrior used his weapon to hook aside a Liberator’s shield, his return swing scything through the gold-armoured warrior’s neck. The decapitated Stormcast dissolved into crackling energy that arced away skywards, and Arbhax felt Khorne’s eyes upon him. At his side Vorghos, his last surviving comrade, was fighting with equal fury. As Arbhax watched through a red haze, Vorghos shrugged off a thunderous hammer-blow to his chest and planted his axe in the face-plate of the last remaining Stormcast. The Liberator flashed away, and Arbhax turned, gaze roving the corpse-strewn battlefield for fresh foes. He never saw the blow coming, sudden agony exploding between his shoulder blades as he was thrown face-first into the mud. Snarling, Arbhax managed to roll himself over, only for Vorghos to plant one brass-shod boot on his chest. As the other Blood Warrior raised his axe for the killing blow, Arbhax spat hate-filled curses at him, yet it was only right. The strongest prevailed. Blood for the Blood God. With that last thought, Vorghos’ axe came down and Arbhax met his end.


  • Battletome: Khorne Bloodbound.