I'm always interested in ethnolinguistics and such, so I have a question about the tongues and languages within Age of Sigmar, specifically those relating to human.
I presume there is a Common, much like in the original Warhammer. My question is, was there already a previous Common language before the Age of Chaos? (I assume yes) If so, the couple centuries of the Age of Chaos must have had an enormous effect on the common tongues of peoples who were left outside of Azyr, being divided and splintered for a good amount of time that would allow new dialects and whole language families to spring up.
Which brings us to the modern Age of Sigmar. As Sigmar and the Stormcast Eternals spread out and reconquered land, did they spread a new Common tongue (Azyrish? Azyrian?) over where they conquered? Did everyone still speak the Common tongue or close enough?
I guess what I'm really asking is are they any examples of a non-Common pre-Age of Sigmar language ever mentioned in lore?