Age of Sigmar Wiki

Khazalid: The Duardin Language[]

A Dictionary 

Unit Types:[]

Hammerers: Grundi

Iron Breakers: Irkonbraki

Irondrakes: Irkhon-drakki

Longbeards: Langktrommi

Warriors: Drazdani

Miners: Grungi, Boki (Slang)

Quarrellers: Kazakdreki  “Warriors who fight at a distance”

Thunderers: Thrundi

Rangers: Karaki (Mountaineers), or Doki (Scouts)

Slayer/s: Drengi

Demon Slayer: Dumdrengi

Dragon Slayer: Drakendrengi

Giant Slayer: Grontdrengi

Troll Slayer: Trolkdrengi

Doom Seekers: Doki'dum 

Spearmen: Wutrazi

*An Grundazi ar Thanar Ulther’h Drakkenthrong. 

The Hammerer's of General Ulther's Dragon Company

The= an, Hammerers = Grundazi, of = a, Ulther’h = Ulther’s, Dragon Company = Drakkenthrong.

Command Units:[]

Champion/s: Drungi 

Standard Bearer: Flegi

Musician/s: Khrumi (Drummer), Hirni (Hornblower) 


Thane: Thane

General: Thanar (Unofficial)

Lord: Thanok

Runelord: Rhundrinkuli (Unofficial)

Runesmith: Rhundulki

Battle Standard Bearer: Kazakflegi

Master Engineer: Endrinkuli

Engineer: Endrindulki

Cogsmith: Endringrungi

Weapons []

Axe / Great Axe: Az / Az-Dreugi

Crossbow: Drekmakaz (Unofficial: Ranged Weapon)

Hammer / Great Hammer: Grund / Grundreugi (Rikkaz: verb, to hammer)

Handgun (Dwarf): Thrund

Runestaff: Rhuntraz

Spear: Wutraz

Throwing Axe: Azdrek 

Weapon / Great Weapon: Makaz / Makaz-Dreugi


Armour: Klad

Shield: Karin / Thrung (Shield wall)

Standard / Battle Standard: Fleg / Kazakfleg / Kalan Kazakfleg

War machines[]

Siege Machines (in general): Barag

Cannon: Baragor

Organ gun: Baravror

Grudgethrower: Dammaz Barag / Dammaz Durazbarag 

Bolt Thrower: Wutraz Barag (Unofficial)

Anvil of Doom: Grong-A-Dum

Gyrocopter: Endriscarren

Gyrobomber: Endrithrondar


Beastman: Gor (official), Gori (Unofficial, but in-keeping)

Chaos Dwarfs: Frundrar (the Tainted), Dawi’zharr (literally "Dwarfs of Fire")

Chaos: Dumal (“Followers of Chaos” – Kazaki'dum, Chaos Warrior)

Dwarves: Khazad

Fyreslayers: Hardrengi (literally Fyreslayers)

Kharadron: Kharadron, (because it is the name they use for themselves), Khazad-a-scarrenruf (Dwarves of Sky)

Elves: Elgi (unbearded)

Dark Elves: Elgi'drazh (Unofficial, literally 'Elves of darkness')

Giant: Gronti

Greenskins: Grob

Goblin: Grobi

Forest Goblins: Grobi'Thingaz (Unofficial: 'Goblins of the forest')

Night Goblins: Grobi'drazh (Unofficial: 'Goblins of the night')

Gnoblars: Grobkonki ('Unoffical: Big-nosed Goblin')

Black Orc: Urki'drazh (Unofficial)

Orc: Urk (Official), Urki (Unofficial)

Humans / Men / Manlings: Umgi (Note: Umgal refers to a particular group of humans)

Lizardmen: Skofzani (Unofficial - 'Cold Blooded Ones' - courtesy of Spatulabeard)

Ogres: Ogri

Skaven: Thaggoraki

Tomb Kings: Uzkuli'gorl (Unofficial, Undead of the Desert "sandy bones")

Troll: Trolk

Undead : Uzkular (WD314) (Unofficial, Uzkuli, works better)

Vampire: Zangunaz: (

Blood Drinkers: Zanguzi (Unofficial - Vampires, a preferred term of mine) 

Wood Elves: Elgi'wut (Unofficial: Literally 'Elves of Wood')

Flesheaters: Grizalgurthzi (literally flesheaters)

Stormcast Eternals: Umgi – a – Thadroz – Kurz (Men of lightning Gold [note that the word Kurz is used, meaning gold used in ill deed)

Sylvaneth: Kulwutgrazi (Alive woods and magic all put together) or Wutrandazi (more commonly used, meaning Tree-kin

Ancestor gods[]

Gazul: Ancestor God and Protector of the Dead (Lord of the Underearth)

Grimnir: Ancestor God of Dwarf Slayers and Warriors and grudge.

Grungni: Dwarf Ancestor, god of metalwork

Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers

Grednir: Ancestor God of Jewel-smithing, and Artisans

Thungni: Ancestor God of Rune-smithing

Vhulkhaya: Ancestor Goddess of the Hearth, Healing, and Brewing and gold. And mining.

Grombrindal: Demi-god of revenge.

Gromthi: Ancestor

Karugromthi: Living Ancestor

Section 2: Khazalid Grammar[]


Overview []

Khazalid is the language of the Dwarves, or Khazad. The deeply conservative language has not changed noticeably in many thousands of years in either its spoken or written runic form.

The Dwarfs are extremely proud of their native tongue, and they rarely speak in the company of other races, almost never teaching it to other creatures. To humans it is known as the ‘secret tongue of the Duardin’, sometimes overheard but never understood. The Dwarf language includes very few words of obvious Elven or Human origin. By contrast there are many loan words from Khazalid in the tongues of Men, which suggest that Dwarfs must have taught some fundamental words to their taller allies. This is most obviously the case of words pertaining to traditional Dwarven craftskills of smithing and masonry, skills which Dwarfs taught Men many centuries ago.

The grammatical structure of Khazalid can be very difficult for outsiders to glean. Khazalid usually places the verb before the subject in a sentence, however the way a word is pronounced or stressed can often determine what the user of  the word thinks of the word. For instance, war is usually thought of as badly, a harsh tone is used. Some words are deemed more important than others.

Khazalid has few individual words relating to abstract concepts, and most abstract concepts are described in relation to something physical, often using the same word as what they relate to.

Most Dwarf words are formed from a short root word, for instance Kar (meaning "big stone") and a signifier, for instance -az (meaning the word it is attached to is relating to a place): so Karaz literally means "big stone place": however it is also the Khazalid word for mountain. Signifiers are not limited to one either; adding -i signifies a race or profession, so Karazi means a mountain-tribe (literally "big stone place people").

Writing []

Khazalid is written in Dwarven runes or Rhun, a complicated set of markings indicating various phonetic sounds and grammatical devices; the most "official" runes are the Aldrhun or Old Runes, an example of which would be the Great Book of Grudges.

Often Dwarves find themselves (such as while mining or travelling) without paper or writing implements and must scratch runes into hard surfaces where it is much more efficient to scribe hard angles and lines than curves. This led to the development of a simpler set of runes called the Klinkarun (literally "chisel-runes") from Klinka: chisel and rhun: runes. (Note the "h" is dropped).

Pronunciation []

All Dwarves have deep, resonant voices. The sound of Khazalid is entirely separate from human speech and even further from the melodic sounds of Eltharin. It is a guttural language; and comparisons have been drawn to the rumbling of thunder.

Khazalid vowel sounds in particular are uncompromisingly precise and very many Dwarf root words begin with harsh consonant sounds such as K, G and R.

Contrary to humans, whose myriad dialects differ widely depending on geographic location-- even within the same language-- the Dwarfs remain fairly consistent in accent, sometimes described a Scottish accent.

Signifiers []

While a root word gives basic meaning, it is not usually until a signifier is added to the end of a word that specific meaning is given. If a root word consists of only consonants such as Sk (relating to thieves) an "a" (making Ska the correct form) is usually added and then dropped when signifiers are added to the word's end.

The Games Workshop website uses a similar exampleto this:

Tense and plurals

Root words are in present and therefore need no change but -ad in the future tense and - ed for past.

The various tense signifiers are as follows:

Add az for plural

Skad: Steal.

Sked: stolen

Skat: (will) steal

Vorn: Farm (verb)                         Vornarn: farmland                      Vornazi: Farmers

Vorni: Farmer                                 Vornarnaz: farmlands              

Non-Khazalid Terms[]

These terms describe important aspects of Dwarf culture but have no official translation in Khazalid from English.

In alphabetical Order:

Beardling: A young Dwarf who has yet to prove his salt, typically under 50 years of age, with a short beard.

Deeps: The levels which Dwarfs measure and organise their Holds into.

Goblin Wars: A time when many Holds fell to Greenskins and Skaven.

Time of Woes: A time of seismic upheaval which caused earthquakes and during which many Holds were damaged, directly preceeding the 

!: Ha (to be added at the end of the last word of the sentence)

?: Wan (to be added at the front of the first word of the sentence)


The: Un

A and an: Urn

This: Arl

That: Durl

These: Us

This: Af

Those: Irl

Them: Uf

My: Ord

Your: Ird

His: Erd

Hers: Ed

Its: Thrul

Ours: Arl

Their: Afad

A few: Urn Rir

A little:  Urn Rurz

Much: Zild

Many: Zurld

A lot of: Zervid

Most: Derzur

Some: Dom

Many: Dim

Enough: Dern

Her: Ed

He: Id

All: Dring

Both:  Dorn

Half: Dornal

Either: Dirnalak

Neither: Dirnan

Each: Rirnod

Every: Unrid

Other: Grin

Another: Grirnon

Such: Mond

What: Diz

Rather: Murn

Quite: Mildorn


One (1): Ong

Two (2): Torn

Three (3): Dwe

Four (4): Futh

Five (5): Sak

Six (6): Siz

Seven (7): Sed

Eight (8): Odro

Nine (9): Norn

Ten (10): Don

Twelve (12): Duz

Twenty (20): Skor

30 dworn 

40 furn 

50 sarn 

60 sirn 

70 khern 

80 ordrorn 

90 Nurn

One hundred (100): Kantuz

To make other numbers, stick the two together, for example: 21= Skorong. 43= Furndwe 

138= Kantuz-dworn-odro 

4693= fut-millusk-nurn-dwe 

275= tornkantuz-khern-sak 

Note here, that for two-hundred, torn (2) and kantuz are put together with a dash, like all the other numbers. 

One Thousand (1000): Millusk



A: Urn

Age: Giln

Ale: Gorog (also used for high spirits, drinking binge), Grizdal (ale which has been fermented for at least a century), Grog (inferior, watered ale; mannish brew), Grumbak (short measure of ale), Hazkal (ale brewed recently, also fiery young warrior)

Alive: Karu (see ‘ancestor’)

Am: Al

Ambition: Drek, (see ‘enterprise’ ,‘far’)

Ancestor: Gromthi, Karugromthi (Living Ancestor)

And: Un

Anvil: Grong

Approximately: Umanar (see ‘indecision’)

Armour: Klad (iron armour, iron plating)

Army Drangthrong (Huge Dwarf Army):, Throng (see ‘clan’)

Arrival: Katalhüyk (end of a journey)

Art of inscribing runes on precious metal with a Troll’s Tooth: Arkhandrazkal

Art of stalking Goblins in caves: Grobkull

Art of hunting and catching Trolls: Khulghur

Artifact: Gromdal (ancient artifact)


Back: Krink (bad back due to continual stooping) Haln (back of an object) Drenz (ones physical back.)

Banging (one’s head on the roof of a low tunnel): Bok

Banishment: Ghull, Ghull-dreng (see ‘exile’)

Banner: Fleg (see ‘standard’)

Barren: Grimaz (barren place), Norn (barren earth, area with limited resources)

Battle: Drazdan

Beard: Skruff (scrawny beard, outrageous insult), Tromm (also respect due to age or experience)

Bearded: Gorm (see ‘old’)

Beast (wild), Beastmen: Gor

Befuddled: Werit (Dwarf who has forgotten where he placed his tankard or ale)

Bet: Dar (see ‘challenge’)

Belly (large, fat): Bolg (also refers to state of extreme wealth, age and contentment.

Berserker: Bakraz (see ‘nutter’)

Beside: Fred (see ‘in’, ‘on’)

Birthright: Barez

Bird: Kro (black bird, see ‘crow’, ‘raven’)

Black: Drazh (see ‘night’), Kol (colour)

Blood: Zan (see red)

Blue: Skarrenruf (see ‘sky’)

Boar: (wild): Gromah (boar, giant,): Brom (pet): Burlong (Types of Boar: Gromahlok (most dangerous boar), Gorlod (used as pets and fro their nutritious milk) Gromdalin (a boar mostly ridden, even into war.

Boarding house: Tiwaz (see ‘inn’, ‘rest’)

Bond: Baraz (see ‘promise’)

Bones: Uzgul, Uzkul (see ‘death’)

Book: Kron

Brave: Grom

Brawl: Skuf (see ‘skirmish)

Bread: Brog (see ‘cake’)

Break: Bakh

Brearker: Bakhi

Breezy Zilfin (see windswept)

Brewery: Valdahaz

Brilliant: Varez

But, bear in mind, except for: Bar


Cake: Brog (see ‘bread)

Candle (that blows out unexceptedly plunging tunnel into darkness): Boga

Cannon: Barag (see ‘siege machine’, ‘war machine’)

Capture: Ferden

Carry (verb): Hunk (carry heavy rocks or other burden)

Cavalry: Kazhunki (see ‘knight’, ‘rider’)

Cavern: Ungor (see ‘tunnels’), Vulkhrund (cavernous hiding place)

Cave-in: Rikigraz (see ‘landsldie’)

Challenge: Dar (see ‘bet’)

Chaos: Dum

Cheese: Chuf (old cheese used in emergencies by Dwarf miners)

Chisel: Klinka

City: Kazad (see ‘fortress’)

Clan: Throng (see ‘army’)

Cleave: Zank (see ‘cut’, ‘divide’)

Cleaver: Maraz

Clever (alert, mentally sharp): Bran

Clothing: Ragarin (coarse, uncomfortable clothing made from the hide of a troll)

Cloud: Orrud (red cloud, volcanic plume)

Complaint: Grumbak (trivial complaint)

Conquer (verb): Drung

Construction (that looks like it is about to collapse): Elgraz

Consume (verb): Guz (to consume food or drink, see ‘eat’, ‘drink’)

Contest: Rorkaz (informal shouting contest)

Copper: Izor

Could: Sar (see’may’, ‘might’)

Craftsman: Okri

Crazy: Zaki (crazed dwarf who wanders in the mountains)

Crescent: Lhune

Crow: Kro (see ‘raven’, ‘bird’)

Crown: Gron

Cruel: Grimaz

Cunning: Gorak (see ‘uncanny’, ‘magical’), Ok (see ‘skilful’)

Cut: Zank (see ‘cleave’, ‘divide’)

Curry (thick spiced stews with vegetables): Rurngol


Danger: Khatül (lurking danger)

Dark: Dharl

Dark (the dark beneath the world): Dharkhangron (see ‘underground’)

Darkness: Dum

Death: Uzgul, Uzkul (see ‘bones’)

Defeat (verb): Drung

Defiant: Grom

Dependable: Azul (also see ‘Metal’)

Desolate: Vlag (see ‘lonely’)

Desolation: Naggrund (desolate area where dragons or trolls live, see ‘devastation’, ‘ruin’)

Devastation: Naggrund (see ‘ruin’)

Did: Ad

Dirt: Onk (accredtion of dirt and grime on company of Dwarfs who have spent many days underground)

Disappointment: Kruk (unexpected disappointment)

Disaster: Krunk

Discover (verb): Gand

Disreputable: Wanaz (disreputable dwarf with unkempt beard)

Distance: Drek

Divide: Zank (see ‘cut’, cleave’)

Do (verb): Gronit (irregular verb ‘to o’, present tense: gronit; past tense: gird)

Dog: Varaz (mad dog)

Domain: Ankor

Dome: Ruf (underground dome, natural or constructed)

Done : Id (see ‘Did’)

Doom: Dum

Door (fortified): Barak (see also ‘gateway’)

Dragon: Drakk (also used for ‘monster’ in general)

Dragon stew: Drongnel (stew with mushrooms marinated in strong ale)

Dragonslayer: Drakendrengi

Drink: Guz

Drink (verb): Guzzen

Dwarf, Dwarves: Khazad


East: Nar (see ‘sunrise’)

Eat (verb): Gurthz

Elder: Throngrink

Elves: Elgi

Embellished: Lok

Enemy:  Kaznok, Khadrol ( for once friends fallen) (see friend)

Enfeeble: Elgram

Enduring: Karaz

Engine: Endrin

Engineer (Dwarf): Endrindulki (master engineer: Endrinkuli)

Enterprise: Drek (see ‘ambition’, ‘far’)

Eternity: Azamar (see ‘forever’)

Exile: Ghull, Ghull-dreng (see ‘banishment’)

Explosion: Thrond (see ‘gun’, ‘gunpowder’)

Eye: Dok


Far: Drek (see ‘ambition’, ‘enterprise’)

Farm, (verb): Vorn

Farmland: Vornarn

Fearless: Garaz

Feast: Trogg (also heavy drinking bout)

Feed: Guzzen (see ‘insert’, ‘push’)

Fight: Runk (one-sided fight, a sound trashing) Drazdran

Find (verb): Gand

Fire: Har, Zharr

Friend: Khadrod

Flood: Ruvalk (see ‘river)

Food (fragments found in beard): Gibal, Drenel

Foolish: Wazzock (gullible, foolish dwarf, one who exchanged a valuable for an item of no worth)

Forest: Thingaz (dense forest)

Forever: Azamar (see ‘eternity’)

Forge: Grungron

Fortune: Akrak (see ‘luck’)

Fortress: Kazal (see ‘city’)


Gatehouse: Migdhal (see ‘outpost’)

Gateway (fortified): Barak

Guard: Undi (see ‘watcher’)

Giant, Giants: Gronti

Giant Slayer: Grontdrengi

Gift: Zaraz

Glass: Mizpal (volcanic glass)

Go (verb): Git

Goatherd: Kruti (insult, slang)

Goblin, goblins: Grobi, Grobkaz (goblin work, evil deeds)

Gold: Bryn (gold which shines strikingly in the sunlight), Frorl (lucky gold, known to bring good fortune and prosperity), Galaz (gold (of particular ornamental value), Gorl (gold which is especially soft and yellow), Gorlm (old gold, passed down through many generations and left undisturbed in guarded treasure vaults), Konk (gold that is reddy in colour), Kurz (unlucky gold, that has been used in misadventure or in which brings the recipient has fallen foul of circumstance, such as gold that has been used to pay for inferior goods), Ril (gold ore which shine brightly in rock)

Good: Dal (see ‘old’)

Good (as good without being proven over time and hard use): Dawr

Great Axe: Az-Dreugi (see ‘War Axe’,’Weapon’)

Green: Grob

Grudge [grievance, insult to be avenged]: Damnaz

Grumble: Grumbak

Grumbler: Grumbaki

Gullible: Doh (see ‘stupid’), Wazzok (see ‘foolish’)

Gun: Thrund (see ‘gunpowder’, ‘explosion’)

Gunpowder: Thrund (see ‘gun’, ‘explosion’)

Give: Zar


Hall: Khaz (underground hall, palace halls)

Hall-dwellers: Khazukan Dawi (literally ‘stay at the Hold’ Dwarfs)

Hammer: Grund, Rikkaz

Hard: Durak, Grom (see ‘brave’)

Harsh: Grim (see ‘unyielding’), Grimaz

He: Ed

Headband: Thongli (worn by warriors who have slain an orc or goblin)

Hew (verb): Skrund (to hew rock with hammers and picks)

Hello: Az, Oz, Grundril

Her: Id

Hers: Ird

High: Gorm

Highway: Drin

His: Erd

History: Kron (see ‘book), Zagaz (see remembering, saga)

Hit: Stok (see ‘strike’)

Hold out (verb): (to stay): Ulund

Honour: Thrynaz (code of honour) (see ‘law’, ‘rules’)

Horde: Vorkhul (migrating horde of orcs and goblins)

Horn: Goruz (Horn, made of horns), Hirn (instrument)

Hound: Varf (see ‘wolf’)

How: Ok

Humans: Umgi

Hut: Zak (isolated mountain hut)


I: Or (see ‘me’, ‘myself’)

Ice: Wyr (see snow, white)

In: Bor

Indecision: Umanar (see ‘approximately’)

Industral work: Angaz (see ‘Ironwork’)

Inn: Tiwaz (see ‘rest’, ‘boarding house’)

Insert: Ghizzun (see ‘feed’, ‘pusth’)

Intricate: Lok

Invent: Drendulk

Ironwork: Ang

It: Ed

Iron: Irkhon

Is: bor


Jewel, Jewels: Izril

Justice: Vengryn (see ‘revenge’, ‘vengeance’)


Keep: Migdhal (see ‘outpost’)

Keep (verb): lund

King: Rik (also used for ‘lord’)

Kingship: Za

Kin: (referring to Dwarves): Khazrundazi (when referring to others) Rundirzi

Knight: Kazhunki (see ‘cavalry’, ‘rider’)


Lady: Kvinn

Lake: Varn (mountain lake)

Landslide: Rikigraz (see ‘cave-in)

Lava: Haraz

Laws: Thrynaz (see ‘rules’, ‘honour’ )

Length: Langk

Lightning: Thadroz

Lonely: Vlag (see ‘desolate’)

Long: Langk (see ‘length’)

Lordship: Za

Luck: Akrak (see ‘fortune’)


Machine (siege, war): Barag

Magical: Gorak

Make (verb): Grungnaz

March (verb): Got

Market: Urbaz

Masonry (in the sense of ‘massive masonry): Azkahr

Master: Kuli

May: Sar (see ‘could’, ‘might’)

Me: Or (see ‘I’, ‘myself’)

Meadow: Zorn (high meadow, see plateau, mountainous)

Meal: Skof (cold meal eaten underground)

Meat: Grizal (poor meat), Kuri (meat stew)

Merchant: Vithang (see ‘trader’)

Metal: Azul

Metalwork: Grungron

Might: Sar (see ‘could’, ‘may’)

Mine: Orolad

Miner: Boki (slang)

Money: Wulthrung (see ‘payment’, obligation, reward)

Monster: Drakk (see ‘Dragon’)

Moonlight: Lhune (see ‘crescent’)

Mountain: Karag (barren mountain, see ‘volcano’), Karak

Mountain Pass: Kadrin

Mountainous: Zorn (mountainous land, see plateau, meadow)

Mushrooms (from back of a cave): Frongol

My: Ord

Myself: Or (see ‘I’, ‘me’)


Name: Barund

New: Deb (see ‘untried’, ‘raw’)

Night: Drazh (see ‘black)

No: Nai, Dur

Nose: Konk (large and bulbous nose)

Now: Nu

Nutter: Bakraz


Oathbreaker: Unbaraki

Oath: Barakhi

Observe: Dok

Obligation: Wulthrung (see money, payment, reward)

Of : Ar

Ogre: Ogri

Old: Dal (see ‘good’), Gnol (see ‘wise’), Gorm (see ‘high’, ‘wise’, ‘powerful’, ‘bearded’), Karaz (see ‘enduring’, ‘strong’)

On: Bin (see ‘In’, ‘beside’)

Ork: Grob (greenskins), Urk

Orkslayer: Urkdrengi

Ourselves: Ut (see ‘we’, ‘us’)

Outpost: Migdhal (fortified outpost)

Own (verb): Bezek (see ‘posses)

Owner: Bezeki


Pain: Grik (pain in neck caused to continually stooping in low tunnels)

Parry: Klang

Past: Rhorh

Payment: Wulthrung (see money, reward, obligation)

Plains: Gazan

Plaits: Grindal (long flaxen plaits worn by maidens)

Plateau: Zorn (upland plateau, see meadow, mountainous)

Polished: Ril (see ‘gold’)

Possess (verb): Bezek

Possessor: Bezeki

Power: Rhun (see ‘rune’,’word’)

Powerful: Gorm (see ‘old’)

Praiseworthy: Lok

Promise: Baraz (see ‘bond’)

Prospector: Skrati (poor prospector)

Proven: Gnol

Push: Guzzen (see ‘food’, ‘insert’)


Queen: Rinn

Quill (metal tool with ink cartridge within it, used for writing): Rherdol

Quick: Alabrin (see ‘swiftness’)



Raiders: Vongal (raiding band of men)

Raven: Kro (see ‘crow’, ‘bird’)

Raw: Deb (see ‘new’, ‘untried’)

Realm: Ankor (see ‘Domain’)

Rebellious: Garaz

Record: Kron (see ‘book’)

Reclaim: Vegror

Red: Zan (see blood) Zanol

Redstone: Rhyn

Reliable: Gnol

Remember: Zagaz (remembering, see history, saga)

Respect: Gnollengrom (respect due to a Dwarf who has a longer and more spectacular beard)

Rest: Tiwaz (see ‘inn’, ‘boarding house’)

Revenge: Vengryn (see ‘revenge, ‘justice’)

Reward: Wulthrung (see payment, obligation, money)

Rider: Kazhunki (see ‘knight’, ‘cavalry’)

River: Ruvalk (See ‘flood’), Zhuf (rapidly flowing river, mountain river, see waterfall)

Road: Drin

Rock: Duraz, Grint (waste rock left by mining excavations), Skree (loose rock on mountainside, rocky ground)

Ruin: Naggrund

Rules: Thrynaz (see ‘law’, ‘honour’)

Rune: Rhun (see ‘word’,’power’)


Sage: Zagaz (see remember, history)

Scar: Bok (scar from banging one’s head on teh roof of a low tunnel, see ‘banging’)

Scavenge: Skrat (see ‘search)

Sea: Varr

Search: Skrat (see ‘to search for gold amongst rock debrid or stream bed)

See (verb): Dok

Settlement: Kazid (see ‘town’, ‘village’)

Shadow: Mhornar

Shieldwall: Thrung

Shiny: Ril (see ‘gold’)

Shoddy: Umgak

Sing: Hurzin

Shrine: Thryng (shrine of ancestors, see ‘temple’)

Silver (colour): Azril

Skilful: Ok (see ‘cunning’)

Skirmish: Skuf (see ‘brawl’)

Skull: Ghal

Sky: Skarrenruf (see ‘blue’)

Slag: Muzkhgrum (blast furnace slag)

Slay (verb): Dreng, Thag (to slay by act of treachery)

Slayer: Drengi

Smash (verb): Drung

Smith: Grung

Smithying (verb): Grungnaz

Snow: Wyr (see ice, white)

Song: Skaud (loud, booming sound) Hurzan

Soon: Anu (also translates as ‘very soon’,’any minute now’)

Sombre: Kold (see ‘black’)

Splitter: Maraz

Stairway (descending belowground): Ekrund

Staff: Wand (magical rune staff)

Standard: Fleg (see ‘banner’)

Stone (slab): Duraz, Kol (black stone), Rikkit (small stone which falls on your head as you walk down a tunnel)

Stream: Stromez

Stew: Rongnel

Strike (verb): Stok (see ‘hit’)

Strong: Karaz

Stronghold: Karak (see ‘mountain’)

Stupid: Dohl

Sturdy, Sturdy Dwarf: Azul

Sun: Zon

Sunrise: Nar

Sunset: Yar (see west)

Swiftness: Alabrin (see ‘quick’)


Tankard: Nogarung (drinking tankardmade from the skull of a Troll)

Temple: Thryng (see ‘shrine’)

Thane: Thane

The: An

Them: Uf (see ‘those’, ‘these’)

These: Us (see ‘them’, those’)

They: Af

Thief: Skazi

Thievery: Skaz

Their: Afad

Thin: Elgram

Those: Url (see ‘them’, ‘these’)

Thunder: Dron

Tomb: Grongol (tomb of the ancestors)


Tool: Makaz

Tooth: Tusk

Tough: Grom (see ‘brave’)

Tower: Barak (see also ‘gateway’)

Town: Kazid (see ‘village’, ‘settlement’)

Trade: Urbar

Trader: Vithangi (see ‘merchant’)

Trading post: Urbaz (see ‘market’)

Traitor: Thagi (murderous traitor)

Travel (verb): Got (to travel quickly with purpose), Strol (travel leisurely)

Treasure: Azgal (treasure hoard)

Tribute: Thragh

Troll: Trolk

Trolldrengi: Trollslayer

Tunnel: Duk (low, narrow), Girt (broad with plenty of headroom), Ungor


Unbearded: Elgi (see ‘Elves’)

Uncanny: Gorak

Underground: Dharkhangron (see ‘Dark’)

Underway: Undgrin Ankor

Us: Ut (see ‘we’, ‘ourselves’)

Unsuccesful: Wattock (unsuccesfull dwarf

Untried: Deb (see ‘new’, ‘raw’)

Untrustworthy: Ungrim (untrustworthy dwarf)

Unyielding: Grim (see ‘harsh’)


Vain: Ufdi (Vain Dwarf, overly fond on preening his beard)

Vampire: Zangunaz

Vanquish (verb): Drung

Vault, Vaults: Grongol (see ‘tomb’), Irkul (pillared vault hewn in rock), Thindrongol (secret vault in which ale or treasure is hidden)

Vein: Kruk (promising vein of ore that gives out unexpectedly, see ‘disappointment’)

Vengeance: Vengryn (see ‘justice’, ‘revenge’)

Village: Kazid (see ‘town’, ‘settlement’)

Volcano: Karag


Walk (verb): Strol

Wall: Barak (see also ‘gateway’), Huzhrung (massive city wall)

War: Kazak (see ‘battle’)

War Axe: Az

War Drum: Khrum

Was: Aled (see is, add -ed for past tense)

Wasteland: Gazan

Watch (verb): Dolorum

Watcher: Undi

Watchpost: Und (see ‘keep’, ‘capture’, ‘hold out’)

Watchtower: Mingol (tall watchtower on lowland)

Waterfall: Zhuf (see river)

Water pump: Kuchungkuchung

Water wheel: Kuchungkuchung (see water pump)

We: Ut (see ‘us’, ‘ourselves’)

Weak: Elgram

Weapon: Az (see ‘War Axe’), Makaz (see ‘tool’)

West: Yar (see sunset)

When: Wanrak

Where: Wanrag

Whiner: Grumbaki (see ‘grumbler’)

White: Wyr (see, snow, ice)

Why: Ok

Windswept: Zilfin (see breezy)

Will: On (also used for ‘shall’,’am going to’,’with purpose’), Anad (Will/shall have done)

Wise: Gnol (see ‘respect’), Gorm (see ‘old’, ‘powerful’, ‘bearded’)

Wolf: Varag (see ‘dog’), Varf (see ‘hound’)

Wood: Wutroth (wood from ancient mountain oak) Wutnoth

Word: Rhun (see ‘rune’,’power’)

Work: Ori

Wound: Thrag



Year: Barmar

Yellow: Gorl

Yes: Ai, Aye. Ah, Oi

You : Ek (singular), Af (plural, see ‘They’)

Young: Garaz


My name: Bryn Irkon-Grungron

Literally: Bryn Iron-Forge.

Some sentences[]

Or al Bryn Irkhon-Grungron, Thane ar an Karak-Irkhon, un it verth Vengryn, ilh strock dammnazi hiln an kron

(Translation) I am Bryn Iron-Forge, Thane of the Iron Hillls and we seek Vengeance, to strike grudges from the Book. (This refers to the book of grudges)

Az, ord barund Bryn Irkhon-Grungron. (Hello, I am Bryn.)

Ord giln bor khern-sed barmari (My age is 77 years)

Drazdan un Vengryn (Battle and vengeance, battle cry)

An Khazad ar an Karag-Rhyn  Vegrored afad barez bor gilni rhorh. (Translation: The Dwarves of the Volcano-of-Redstone (which sounds better in Khazalid, and is like Karak-____) reclaimed their birthright in ages past.

Derived from this:

And this: (click on the first one) So lads of thanks to Dourin on Bugmans Brewery
