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Vekh the Flayer

Vekh the Flayer, Bloodstoker of the Khorne Bloodbound warband of Aqshy known as the Goretide.

Vekh, also called Vekh the Flayer, is a cruel and sadistic Bloodstoker of the Khorne Bloodbound and one of the Lord of Khorne Korghos Khul's Gorechosen, the senior commanders of the Chaos warband of Aqshy known as the Goretide. He takes great delight in torturing Skuldrak, a Khorgorath mutant of the Goretide.

Vekh is the cruelest and most sadistic of all Bloodbound warriors. His ravaged features reflect the evil beneath, for as a monster-breeder of the Fang tribe, Vekh was savaged whilst raiding a cave gryph's nest. Though he survived, the wound twisted him further still. He now lives only to perfect his ability to inflict pain -- pain that drives the warriors of the Khorne Bloodbound into a killing frenzy.

Vekh was exiled when his overzealous lashings as a Bloodstoker killed one too many of his tribe's warriors. The Flayer knew not how long he roamed alone, but whilst exploring the Crimson Catacombs Vekh found the Khorgorath Skuldrak, a creature that could bear the brunt of his wrath and still rise again.

Since that day Vekh has turned his sadistic talents to a greater purpose. Under the lash of this Bloodstoker, those who have sworn their souls to Khorne and serve Korghos Khul fight all the harder -- and whilst Vekh goads these killers to war, the skulls his prized Khorgorath craves are never is short supply.


  • Battletome: Khorne Bloodbound (1st Edition), pp. 52-53
  • White Dwarf Weekly 75, "The Khorne Goretide," pp. 16-19