A Stardrake, also spelled Star Drake, is one of the mighty celestial children of the Godbeast Dracothion, the Great Drake. Though similar to dragons in their reptilian appearance, they are actually celestial beings formed of magic and possessed of mythical powers.
As ancient as the first stars, the Stardrakes were unrivaled in wisdom, matchless in righteous reason. Everything witnessed by those celestial creatures was theirs to judge.
They descend to the Mortal Realms during the most intense starfalls and make their homes in the most isolated mountains. As celestial beings, they feed on the rays from the stars as well as living creatures like stymphalions, zephyrgriffs, thundertusks and grigordons.
They also hunt Chaos creatures, but never feed on their corrupted forms.
They do not die like mortals and instead return to the heavens to be reborn.
The relationship between Dracoths and Stardrakes is unknown; some savants believe they are both children of Dracothion, while other sages believe Dracoths are immature Stardrakes that will eventually return to the heavens to complete their metamorphosis.[1]
There was great wisdom in Sigmar and Dracothion's decision to pair Men and Stardrakes as a potent force in battle. The bonding of the two races was to have deeper ramifications beyond simply creating a powerful battlefield formation. For ages before Mankind first crawled forth from the primordial seas of the Mortal Realms, the Stardrakes upheld the laws of Order.
The coming of Chaos was abhorrent to the noble star-beasts, an execrated evil that had to be abolished. Yet time and again their purest reason was defeated.
Here, the children of Dracothion could learn from the fledgling race of Mankind. Passion. Faith. Their sheer stubbornness and unyielding will in the face of the most hopeless odds.
There was a spirit and vitality in Humanity -- traits magnified a hundred fold in Sigmar's Stormcast Eternals. Together, Men and Stardrakes might triumph where all others had failed.[2]