Age of Sigmar Wiki

Why play Wanderers?[]

The Wanderers (AKA Wood Elves) are quite a mixedbag army despite there reputation for shooting. However while they do appear to have a number of units for a number of situations the wanders key strengths still focus on two things, Speed and shooting stuff.

The entire Wanderer army is fast with no exceptions. most foot troops have the standard 6" movement that comes with most Aelfs, however the army is laced with examples of extreme speed coming into play. Two of many such examples include:

  • The Wardancers and there 8" movement range which is the fastest current move characteristic for any foot troops in the game (Chaos has some mounted units that are slower)

Another great example are the Glade Riders who have the ability to both run and shoot allowing them to pepper units with there bows and be on there merry way before the enemy has a chance to even respond.

The shooting aspect of the army while scaled down a little in AOS could still be considered the best in the game. Some examples include:

  • Waywatchers: argubley the best archers in the game with a outstanding shooting statline (for a non hero unit) and the ability to increase the damage/rend output or an potentially huge increase in attack number.
  • Many of the buffs avalaible to the army are either geared towards shooting or a worded in such a way that they apply to both combat and shooting.
  • See the units below for a larger number of examples.

Despite the obvious the Wanderers do have a number of other decent units that are capable of dealing with a number of situations. however like most Aelfs they are specialist and dont really have a jack of all trades unit.


  • Fast. Very Fast
  • Can rain arrows down on your opponent and comes with a ton of abilities to support this.
  • Good overall bravery
  • Beautiful models
  • Not awful at anything.


  • Most units arent all that hardy (Like all Aelfs)
  • You need to really like the color green to appreciate these guys
  • The removal of the Sylvaneth aspect of the army robs them of there heavy hitters (Not that you cant field them together anyway)

The Units[]

Named Characters[]

  • Orion King of the Woods
  • Sisters of Twilight
  • Araloth


Glade Lord[]

Your standard command unit. Comes in a number of load outs:

Greatblade & Bow: The most effective all rounder of the three load outs. The greatblade can make 3 D3 damage attacks at -1 rend making it the more effective choice when engaging Heros/Monster in close combat. While bow related abilities do not apply to this equipment choice the bow itself does mean that the glade lord can continue to contribute to your armies already formidible shooting potential without putting him in harms way.

Kindred Blade & Starlight Spear: A close combat only choice with two weapons allowing him to spread out attacks to more than one unit at a time, arguably more effective when dealing with massed units. only effective if you plan for him to buff close combat units and is likely to be caught up in the fighting himself. However it can be argued that since you can shoot into and out of combat the Greatblade & bow option will still perform this role more effectivley

  • Bow & Hunting Falcon: Your prime shooting option. Ideal if you want to buff your archers and are planning to keep your General out of harms way armed with a bow that can make 3 attacks at -1 rend as well as an extra attack in the form of your pet hunting Falcon. The true selling point for this variation however is the inclusion of the 'Hail of Doom" arrow. which once during the battle can potentially turn the lords 3 Attacks with his bow into 18! (3D6)

Arrow of Kurnous - All Glade lords come the 'Arrow of Kurnous' ability regardless of load out, which allows you to take a pot shot at the enemies general within view for 1 mortal wound. Not a world ending ability but can serve as a satisfiying starting point to breaking down the enemies general. Command ability: Lord of Deepwood hosts - Allows units within 8" to reroll hit rolls of 1. Can be a potentially useful ability as long as you are careful with your unit placement as you can either move him close to a existing combat to increase there hit ratio. alternativly you can arrange him at the rear of your army surrounded by massed ranged units. This existing buffs for the armies ranged units along with potential re rolls can helpeven the standard Glade guard become a serious threat. General tactics:

Unless you have a very specific play style in mind i find the Greatblade and Bow to be the most versatile option. This unit should not be squandered by sending it into risky confrontations but should be kept close to your main sources of damage output to buff them while peppering enemy heros and wizards with there Bow.

Glade Lord on Forest Dragon[]

The hard hitter in your army. Has one of the most battle deciding abilities in the game.

The forest dragon has the standard offensive and defensive abilities of most other dragons with some slight differences (2 less wounds that its High elf counterpart) however the Glade lord itself has decidedly average attack loadout. however this unit is still able to hold its own against all but the fiercest close combat units. also with its 14" flying movement it can quickly make its way round the field to provide support. Kindred Shield:

The most useful contribution of the Glade lord is the ability to re-roll all failed save rolls for this unit

Command Ability: Highborn Lord - A suped up version of the standard Glade Lords command ability which allows you to re roll both hit and wound rolls of 1 for Wanderer units within 16"[]

Soporific Breath - This is the forest dragons headline ability and can make or break many games with correct usage. This ability means that ALL enemy units within 3" of the dragon cannot make an attack until ALL other units on the field have either attacked or skipped there attack (You cant not attack and therebye prevent the enemy from attacking). This ability has a host of applications but basically means that all of your units that are attacking a unit(s) within 3" of the Dragon are safe until other combats on the field are delt with and can then attack there target in full force before the unit is even able to reply. This ability can be used to most effect by flying your dragon into a large crush of Melee or by piling units into a potentially devastating target and watching them tear it to shreds before the unit can mutter so much as a word of complaint (i personally managed to take down Skarbrand with a group of Eternal Guard and a dragon in 1 turn without suffering so much as a single casualty. General Tactics:

One of the most tactically interesting units that isn't immensely overpowered (As much those on the recieving end may complain that it is a horrible rule. The fact is that if they prepare for it they can quite easily minimalise its effects either by unit positioning or by taking out the dragon)

Its up to you whether or not to use this as your command option but bare in mind that if you are overly cautious with this unit as you want it to buff your Archers it loses its main appeal in the game. on the other hand flying it into a crush will offset the battle with a brutal combination of buffs, offensive power and a strategy crushing ability.

Glade Lord on Great Eagle[]

Your armies main ranged hero. a fairly humble looking model that should remain in cover and be used to help pick off the enemys more powerful units. gains bonus's for remaining stationary and within cover. so stick him somewhere out of the way and have him taking pot shots at heros and monsters and watch them fall. Shooting (2)-0

Hawk eyed archer: An ability that is also shared with the standard waywatchers. allows this model to choose between firing either precise shots or fast shots. Precise shots increase each attack damage to 2 and on a hit roll of 6 or more are resolved with -2 rend making it your choice ability for heavily armored monsters or lords. Fast shots allows the model to make an extra attack along with another attack for every roll of 6 or more (so potentialy no limit to number of attacks if you keep rolling 6+) however due to the unlikelness of scoring more than an extra attack or two this ability is really more effective with the standard waywatchers.

Invisible hunter: -1 to hit rolls against this unit while its in cover. useful considering the waywatcher lord wont stand up to much.

Solitary Marksmen: adds a +1 to hits if the unit didnt move this turn and is targeting a monster or hero.

General Tactics: This guys abilities pratically spoonfeed his tactical value to you. park him somewhere in cover where he will be forgotten about and use him to soften up or assasinate the enemys more powerful units. Although its not a stat advantage this guy can seriously go unoticed if you position him correctly and his shooting attacks may be overlooked by your opponent amid the storm of arrows your army brings to bare during your shooting phase. However remember this guy is a solitary hero and gives nothing back to your army as well as possesing no command ability so DO NOT field him as your only hero as he is a terrible general/ Shadowdancer Edit Shooting (2)-1

A fusion of both Wizard and Warrior this unit is capable in both areas but excels in neither. It does however have the ability to assist units your already very fast army move round the board at a lightning pace. also its better than most wizards combat abilities means it isent totally defenceless.

Talismanic Tatoos: Offers a 6+ save after save for wounds and mortal wounds. This guy needs all the protection he can get.

Shadow dance of Loec: In your hero phase you can choose 1 of 3 dances to perform that will buff up this unit. WARNING: you cannon use the same dance concecutavly so make sure you time it correctly. the three dances are as follows:

Whirling Death: The models weaving blade wounds on a 3+ and rend becomes -1. Not an overly powerful technique but may help if he/she comes face to face with another hero. Storm of blades: model makes 4 attacks with Weaving blades instead of 2. Much like the waywatcher lord this ability isen overly useful for a singular unit and instead is more effective for the regular wardancers. The Shadow Coil: turns this units 6+ save into a 4+ save. Which is something this unit sorely needs


Can cast and unbind 1 spell per turn:

Bridge of Shadows: Basically the whole reason for fielding this unit at all. Upon success pick a wanderer unit. double its movement and make it fly. This can be extremly useful if you need a unit to get somewhere. such as quickly moving the frail wardancers into combat before they are peppered with arrows or turning your elite cavelry the Wild riders move of 12 into 24" while flying which is just ridiculous.

General Tactics: Overall this models focus should be on its support ability as a spell caster as its combat ability on its own is very underwhelming and is somewhat wasted even if it does allow it to defend itself since its 6+ save will proberbly see it dead within a turn of any combat. However since there isent a point cost in AOS you can opt to ignore what would have been wasted points dedicated to combat and simply view it as a varition of your standard spell caster the spellweaver. He can buff armor saves and throw arcane bolts at people like any other wizard and if you need to get your units somewhere fast then this is your man. If you are playing a large game and dont need to be quite so conservative with your unit choices then definatly bring him aloing. Spellweaver Edit Shooting (2)-3

Your Standard spellcaster. Not particularly useful as an offensive weapon but certainly has some nifty abilities that can tip a battle in your favor. Shooting (2)-2

Ancient blessings: once per game can automatically unbind a spell (counts as this units unbind attempt). This can be extremly useful if used in the right circumstances as it may be able to foil an enemys plans at a crucial moment in the battle. Such as stopping a particularly nasty summoning (E.g. Bloodthirster) or countering fateweavers dice altering ability.


Can cast and unbind 1 spell per turn:

Blessings of life: upon success this spell will restore D3 MODELS to a selected unit. If used against a mediocre unit such as glade guard this spell is decidely average however since it dosent specify what units can be revived other than it being a wanderer unit you can quite easily use it to revive your elites as well which makes this spell invaluable.

General Tactics: Always have atleast 1 of these in your army as both its abilties can help to improve the endurance of your army and can serve to ruin strategys if your opponent was planning to rely on one major spell related move. Keep the spell weaver on foot glued to yout archer units and use it to either improve there terrible saves or restore there number so that they keep there massed unit buffs. Another reccommend strategy is to stick one of these guys on a horse and have them tailing a group of cavalry such as your wild riders. The ability to revive this lighting fast units on the go will help increase this units life expectancy as they just keep poppoint up like daisys. Glade Captain with Standard Edit

Your armies Totem unit and secondary hero. An essntial choice when taking on magic heavy armies. Shooting (2)-1453902844

To there dying breath: if this model is slain it can pile in and attack before it is removed even if it has already attacked. for a fairly below average combat hero this ability isent going to exactly rock the foundations of the game but it serves to give this unit a little extra bite that your opponent may remember. Also if your opponet is aware of this they may be slighty more wary of putting there heros in harms way.

The banner of Athel Loren: This is the models reason for being: Roll a dice for each Wound or M Wound caused by a spell against a Wanderer unit within 8" (18" if the standard is planted and cannont be move until next turn) for each 4+ that is rolled the wound is ignored. This ability can really serve to blunt the offensive capabiltiy of many magic based armies. NOTE: this banner only blocks the effects of the spell and does not stop the spell itself. Also it only applys to MAGIC and therefore affords no protection against abilities

General Tactics: Against a relativly "normal" army (Aka has magic but is not focused on it) it can always pay to have one of these guys tagging along behind the vangard of your army. However if your against something like a Tzeenchian force take as many of these as you dare and try to get there influence to cover all the crucial points of the battle could save you from alot of nasty Arcane bolts.This could potentially remove the tip from the enemys spear. Infantry Edit Glade Guard Edit Shooting (2)-1453902933

Bread and butter shooting units. Not the overwhelming powerhouses of the archer world they once were however in large numbers with a few select buffs and they can still take apart units and even slay the games larger enemies in one go. They are however terrible in close combat and have a 6+ armor save and will therefore not stand up to much if left unprotected.

Asrai Archery: add one to the hit roll if the unit contains 20+ units. turning the groups shooting statline into a 3+ hit 4+ Wound. The larger this unit the more effective it becomes as that many arrows pointed at one target is likely to reap a decent toll.

Arcane Bodkins: A one per game ability and 1 that will strike fear it the hearts of your opponents. Once per battle this unit can take a shot at the enemy with arrows that have -3 rend (thats right) instead of -. This ability used at the right moment can take apart almost any unit in the game wiping the smirks of the races of even units like Nagash.

General Tactics: A great unit to have back and centre in your army. Not overly powered but not a unit that can be left untouched by your enemy because of there potential damage. So if nothing else can be used as a great distraction. This unit can become the focul point of your army if you use enough buffs and synergy. However despite this units potential you should take care not to focus your entire strategy around it as the glade guard do drop like flies and even massed shootings can still result in no more than a few succesful wounds. Field them by all means but make sure they are either protected or you are prepared to watch them die in droves. Eternal Guard Edit Shooting (2)-1453903014

Your 'Standard' close combat option upon first glance the seem relativly average but bare in mind that these guys excel in defenceive fighting.

Glade Shield: Re-roll saves of 1. with a 5+ save these guys sorely need this protection if going on the attack. however if your incover you can reroll saves of 1 or 2 allowing you to re roll failed 4+ saves.

Fortress of boughs: This units key ability. If this unit uses this ability it cannot move until the next hero phase. However it grants them a + 1 to there saves, hit and wound rolls. This ability alone will transform the effectivness of these units.

General Tactics: These guys will serve as chaff in offence at best but all indications are that they should be used in defence. get these guys to protect a unit of archers from within cover using fortress of boughs and youve got yourself a unit that attacks in 2 rows (2" range) with a 3+ hit and wound rolls as well as defends with a 3+ save that can be rerolled (re roll 1-2 in cover remember). Now considering that this is an Aelf unit and considering that its your Basic infantry. thats absolutly incredible. (and all that is without any external buffs!) Edit Wyldwood Rangers Edit

This armies monster slayers. Another good example of a specialist units. While certainly no slouches in combat with massed units this guys will truely shine when taking on the larger beasties. Shooting (2)-1453903093

Guardians of the wyld wood: When attacking a Monster these guys attack jumps from 1 to D3 each. An average unit of these guys comes in atleast 10 and have a 2" range which means that this guys can dish out a potential 30 wounds when attacking monsters and with a fairly impressive unbuffed statline they are lkely to suceed in a fair few of them.

General Tactics: Any army that has any significant number of monster units should dread these guys. With just a few buffs these guys can potentially take apart any monster in the game (and thats just a unit of 10!) let us remeber however that if the monster arent there (or youve killed them all) you need to consider how best to apply these guys in other areas. They will do well against most units during your attack but without a shield to buff there 5+ save they are likely to die very quickly if the enmy is allowed to strike back. So inmany ways they are the opposite of the eternal guard in that playing them defensivly robs them o the lionshare of there value. Another major consideration its getting them into the fight in the first place any these guys are a priority target for anyone who knows what they can do (Spell weaver tag along certainly wont hurt) Wardancers Edit Shooting (2)-1453903144

Essentialy the Aelf equivilant of Duaradin Slayers. Your beserker unit. Can deal a hideous amount of damage in close combat and have the speed to get them there. However there lack of protection gives them a short life expectancy so are best used as shock troops or distractions.

Talismanic Tatoos: Offers a 6+ save after save for wounds and mortal wounds. This guy needs all the protection he can get.

Shadow dance of Loec: In your hero phase you can choose 1 of 3 dances to perform that will buff up this unit. WARNING: you cannon use the same dance concecutavly so make sure you time it correctly. the three dances are as follows:

Whirling Death: The models weaving blade wounds on a 3+ and rend becomes -1. Your choice of dance when up against armored foes. Storm of blades: model makes 3 attacks with Weaving blades instead of 2. Good at wading through chaffy units. The Shadow Coil: turns this units 6+ save into a 4+ save. Which is something this unit sorely needs

General Tactics: These guys can dish out some serious damage if they get close enough. The trick is getting them there in one piece. These guys can be used in to major ways. Either throw them into combat as fast as you can (and with an 8" movement range these are the units to do it) with them help of either magic to shield them or a Shadowdancer to supe up there movement. Alternativly you can use them as ambush options if you are playing definsivly, hiding them out of site or out of range and throwing them into combat when an enemy gets to close. Ultimately these guys can be used to great effect if you are fortunate however they are one of the more trickly units to use effectivly as you may find them wiped out before landing a signle blow on some occasions. Waywatchers Edit

To think of Wood elves is to think of these guys. They are possibly the greatest archers in the game so far and can be fielded in larger numbers in AOS. Get them in cover and get them shooting.

Hawk eyed archer: An ability that is also shared with the waywatcher Lord. allows this model to choose between firing either precise shots or fast shots. Precise shots increase each attack damage to 2 and on a hit roll of 6 or more are resolved with -2 rend making it your choice ability for heavily armored monsters or lords. Fast shots allows the model to make an extra attack along with another attack for every roll of 6 or more (so potentialy no limit to number of attacks if you keep rolling 6+)either option is good in the right situation but fast shots is vastly more effective than the Waywatcher lord version as the chances of rolling a 6+ much higher .

Invisible hunter: -1 to hit rolls against this unit while its in cover. useful considering the waywatcher lord wont stand up to much.

General Tactics: Some would argue that you are much better off fielding a mass of these guys than Glade guard however since AOS's balancing methods are a little spotty at the moment it could be considered a rather unfair move to field a unit of 30+ waywatchers (but thats for your opponent to decide) Ultimately though these guys will be able to bring the pain more consistantly than than Glade guard even in smaller numbers. Its worth setting up a small unit in cover somewhere even if you dont want to use them as your core units. Hunting Hounds Edit

The Wanderers only summonable unit. with relativly low stats these guys are mainly chaff units(unless they are kept close to orion.


Summoned on a 5 in groups of no more than 5 by any wanderer wizard.

Hounds of the wild hunt: models make an extra attack while within 6" of Orion.

General Tactics: these guys are chaff. even if they are summoned along side orion there need for close proximity to him mean that they wil mainy serve to take the attention off orion. While they are not the strongest units an Aelf army being able to summon a wall of chaff when needed is quite a useful thing. Use them to break a charge against you spellweaver or perhaps tip a dual against a hero in there favor. Cavalry Edit Glade Riders Edit

At first glance these guys can seem absurdly fragile and not all that powerful. However glade riders epitomise fast attack/hit and run units.

Fire on the move: A simple yet effective ability that means that the unit can run and shoot. NOTE: running is not the same as retreating even though it is resolved in the same way. This ability means that this unit can potentially sprint up to 20" every turn (34" if you buff with a Shadow Dancer) and can still shoot enemys with there bows.

General Tactics: Not the easiest units to use to there full potential as they suck at head to head engagements and making them stand and shoot just defeats the point of them. You want them to out flank and out manoure your opponent taking shots at either units to slow to catch them or ones tied up in combat remember with 2 shots each on there bows a group of 10has the same hitting power as a very mobile group of 20 glade guard. Its also a good idea to have them followed by a mounted Spellweaver to buff there poor armor save (6+) and/or replenish losses. The overiding weakness of this group is that if they get cornored and/or tied up in combat with all but the weakest opponents you can kiss them goodbye. Wild Riders Edit Sisters of the Thorn Edit Hawk Riders Edit Monsters/Other Edit Great Eagle Edit
